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Flight Factor A320 PRO

image Flight Factor A320 PRO
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Simulator version:
XP11 XP12
Blue Sky Star
Flight Factor A320 latest stable

1. New, enhanced quality switching sounds:

All sounds have their own location, specific volume at their function and correct pitch as they recorded by the recording

equipment from real aircraft.Then carefully placed into the simulator at specific locations of the model externally and internally,

below is the list of everything mentioned has inside and outside sound (if it exists)

- 6700 lines of code only for switching, buttons, selectors, cockpit mechanical switching only sounds

- Cockpit selectors, switches, pushbuttons, on and off, all positions separate sounds

​- Levers, all other mechanical sounds inside the cockpit

- Autopilot disconnect and connect.

- Oxygen system hiss

- Hand rests, cockpit door sounds.

- Unique throttle quadrant sounds, clicks every detent

- Flap Lever every position sound.

- Gear lever sounds.

- FCU buttons, switches and dial sounds

- Wiper 3 positions sounds. Park, Low and High of each side.

- Spoiler Lever all positions sounds

- Each switch has a unique sound with detail even to the spring

- Every mechanical object that has sound, was recorded and has its own corresponding location

- Cockpit doors, handles, door system clicks

- Spoiler brush sounds

- Flaps handle, spoiler lever, parking brake

- Each and every gate or firewall and idle positions of the throttle quadrant gate lock and unlock

- Reverse unlock, full reverse and relock

- FAP battery hum

- stick autopilot lock unlock relay sounds

2. Surrounding ambience

- Ambience of closed cold and dark cockpit - yes, silence has its own sound

- Ambience sounds of the rain that depends on how much it is raining and how fast you are going.

- External rain, depends on how much it is raining

- Sounds of street noise, and airport noise when you are parked at the gate/stand.

- I wonder if anybody reads this still.

- You can hear outside ambience when each door is open, as well as you can hear different systems when the door is open

- wind, cockpit air mass sounds

- The airflow around the fuselage is recorded precisely from locations of the cockpit, front cabin, mid cabin, wing section, aft cabin,

- Each of location has specific wind sound data.

- Air turbulence sounds get really loud when passing through a lower atmosphere with high speed and get more silent as you climb up in a less dense atmosphere with high speeds.

- Turbulence sounds

- Engine cowlings turbulence

- 1,2,3, full flaps wind turbulence

- gear up, gear down and open gear doors air turbulence

- spoiler turbulence depends on speed and how much of spoilers deployed

- spoilers turbulence while turning

- the turbulence of the air when on takeoff roll and jet thrust bouncing of the ground

- gear turbulence as heard in the cabin, extended, up, down.

- landing lights turbulence when extended as heard in the cabin, provides drag and heard when extended

4. Mechanical items.

- Door closing opening all 3, 2 cargo doors opened, closed, Transition

- Flap motor sounds, transition, start end.

- Application of parking brake and brake

- Brake motor bumps

- PTU act as per actual PTU operation. Fast, regular, PTU test

- Depending on the load and the way it's designed

- Reset sounds

5. Vibrations, Ground

- All gear vibrations, bumps, shakes, and rattles now have a separate system and unlike to sound the same every time

- The system is made that all vibrations, shakes and bumps would be random and also dependent on how you steer or fly the plane, based on force

- Faster the speed all these sound different

- Light, hard, medium landing touchdowns depending on G's on touchdown

- Flap-bouncing sounds heard in the cabin

- main panel rattling

- Centerline nosegear bumps

- Nose landing gear bumps, touches

- Outside concrete rolling fast sounds

- Nosegear rolling fast rumble

- Nosegear concrete roll

- Rubber vibration

6. Engines CFM56

- All samples are real

- Compare with any quality video on Youtube and will find no differences.

- Each 10% of thrust has its own correct sound and correct volume, musically unison by correct bitch.

- Bassy vibrations are only heard when the aircraft is off the ground due to vibration is not grounded. Mostly heard on 30-70% N1.

- All engine is carefully gathered from multiple sounds and is made 360 degrees inside and out.

- Engine sound different as it should from every each seat in the aircraft and outside

- 10 years of experience and the best interpretation of CFM56 you could find

- Engine sounds different depending on speed, altitude and blade angle (pitch)

- Exact engine start-up sounds, and shutdown sounds.

- Reverse sounds

- Air rush on spool

- Back of the plane turbulent engine roar


7. People

- People boarding, walking, and clicking seatbelts sounds all different, depending on the flight stage

- Flight attendant sounds

- Boarding, inflight, deboarding

- 4 airline options, manual on how to add your own airline

- Even toilet flush occasionally

8. Systems

- PTU slow, fast, modes, self-test modes all depend on the actual state and pressure

- Ventilation state of art sounds, fluid system when depending on skin valves, temperature, blower extractor state the whole avionic cooling sounds different

- cabin fan, front galley fan, toilet fans, aft galley fan

- hydraulic YGB systems, in and out, with motor stop sounds, hydraulic different states, hydraulic bump, brake bumps

- 28v, 400hz hum, transormer hum

- All electrical systems made from scratch, all electrical sounds tied to actual electrical events

- Relays,ties, contactors etc.

- Apu contactor clicks

- Apu battery click

- Battery contactors, on off

- Trnasformer, rectifier sounds

- Electrical hum

- Brake fan on, off, loop

- Many more items

- Wing pumps, all of them

- Wing pumps are louder when the load on them is more

- Hydraulic system, Y, G, B acting the way it should in a real plane

- Plenty of ventilations sounds

- Forward, aft galley fans

- cabin fans

- Blower, extractor, depending on their state

- SKin valves, outflow valves

- Close loop or open loop states sound different, transition sound too.

- That means you cockpit ventilation will sound different depending on the state of flight, temperature and other factors

- Packs outside, inside, pack starting, loop and stop

- Ability to hear packs from different locations play different

- Separate packs sound different

-Inlet, outlet

- Blower reset sounds

- Blower and extractor start and stop sounds

- Avionic fans self-test

- APU correct sounds

- APU start, stop, APU exhaust sounds

- APU could be heard in the back of the plane and in front when the door open

- Bleed system sounds


Discover all these sounds in combination, by creating locations in aircaft by moving with (, . arrows)  and pressing Ctrl + Numpad (1-9) to save location.

The whole aircraft is like a symphony and sounds different in all locations at different states of flight.

Simulator version
XP11 XP12
Blue Sky Star
Flight Factor A320 latest stable
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